After September 2006 a digit of apple iPods had been shipped near a windows infective agent. Luckily for furthermost mp3 and iPod users lone a precise diminutive cipher are in fact infected and this infectious agent which lone affects windows computers is named the RavMonE.exe virus. So, how do you examine or displace this iPod virus?
Firstly if you have your ipod connected to your PC and have the up-to-the-minute anti virus software package installed this should reflexively notice and clean up your pc/iPod of any virus latter-day plus the ravmone.exe microorganism. The iPod nano, shuffling and mac OS are not hollow and the most recent iPod video are too guaranteed to be infectious agent at liberty.
First way to examine if your pc or ipod is diseased is to download a infectious agent reader (if you do not have one merely installed), near are umteen unrestricted virus scanners acquirable and peak new PCs before have these perfunctorily installed. In 99% of cases your iPod will be microorganism separated but it is increasingly influential to supervise. Simply fix your ipod to your PC and run the virus scan.
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Your anti infective agent package will past get something done the checks and give a hint you of any viruses that are resident on your pc/iPod. After the discarding of any viruses you should use the markedly up-to-the-minute revision of i-tunes to instal the computer code on your iPod. The ravmone.exe infectious agent is attracted to retention devices and you should as well scrutiny all holding disposition on your PC of late to be confident.
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