You may not have considered how natural sleep aids can help you get the rest you need, but it might be wise. So many of us try to push through life without getting all the rest we need and the harm to our bodies is more than we often realize. Turning to drugs, either to get to sleep or to stay awake is problematic bringing a host of side effects. Natural sleep aids can help without all issues.
Natural sleep remedies are not new necessarily as many cultures have used herbs and other substances to treat a variety of issues including sleeplessness. However, modern research is beginning to confirm some of these uses and provide us insight into how they work within the body. Manufacturers are also getting better at preparing supplements that combine many of the most beneficial ingredients to provide maximum potency in their natural sleep remedies.
Drugs on the other hand are a mixed blessing. Many are able to help people get to sleep and newer ones are out there that help people stay asleep for those who have trouble maintaining sleep after they've gone to bed. However, they still contain many unwanted side effects such as next day grogginess, depression, addictiveness, and possible rebound insomnia if you attempt to stop using them.
Herbal sleep aids on the other hand tend to work more naturally with the body's systems and promote sleep without either the addictive quality of drugs or many of the potential side effects. In fact many of the combination supplements out there include ingredients that help combat stress, depression and anxiety which are often root causes for sleeplessness in the first place.
So what ingredients should one look for in natural sleep remedies$%: First, look for one that blends a combination of herbs, vitamins, amino acids and other compounds that help balance the chemicals and processes in the brain as well as help promote sleep. This will give you more bang for your buck and help promote overall mental health as well as good rest. Ingredients like 5-HTP, L-Tyrosine and Ginseng help to reduce stress, promote healthy brain chemical production, etc.
Also look for that contain herbs like Chamomile, Valerian and (believe it or not) hops. These herbs have been used for centuries to help reduce anxiety, depression and promote the natural processes in the body that induce sleep. Research on these herbs is on-going, but so far has demonstrated some truth to the claims behind these substances.
As with any substance be it drugs or natural sleep aids it is important to do your homework. It is also wise to talk with a medical professional that is knowledgeable in both traditional and natural treatments. While herbal sleep aids can be used without many of the side effects of drugs there is always the possibility of interactions with certain prescriptions you may be taking. So talk it over with a doctor first to make sure there won't be any problems before deciding to take a supplement. After that all that's left is to get a good night's rest.