Shopping for holiday gifts can be a frightening, nerve-wracking
ordeal, but a SCARY experience is precisely what you need,
according to online shopping expert Diana Ratliff.
Ratliff, the author of "The Insider's Guide to Shopping
Online", suggests the following strategies to ensure that the
remainder of your shopping season is affordable and
stress-free. Well, almost.
S: Spending Plan.
Determine how much you have to spend, who you'll spend it on,
and an approximate budget for each person. Be sure to include
money for holiday travel, packaging, decorating, clothing and
postage in your total. Even if you've already bought some of
your gifts, budget the remainder of your funds.
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C: Comparison Shop.
Allow time to shop for the best price, especially on popular or
high-ticket gifts such as electronics or toys. Price differences
can be substantial. To compare prices at dozens of stores in
mere minutes, use online comparison shopping sites such as or And don't forget eBay!
A: Adopt an Attitude.
Remind yourself that you're in charge and that you're not going
to fall for clever sales tactics, impulse purchases, or media
pressure to buy something you don't need. Just say no. Besides,
if there's enough money left, you can splurge on something for
R: Real Money.
Whenever possible, bring "real money" to the store instead of
plastic. You'll spend less (as much as 60% less, according to
the Consumer Federation of America) because you're more
emotionally attached to the bills in your wallet. It's less
painful to use credit cards because it doesn't feel like you're
really spending money.
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Y: "Y" You Celebrate.
Remember the reason for the season. It's not about guilt, and
you can't put a dollar value on "Thank you" or "I love you." So
why try$%: This year, resolve to make the holiday big on meaning
rather than on spending.